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Tator's Dodge 20 Spring Street South in South Salem, NY 10590 Phone 914-763-3136 Fax 914-763-9507

Welcome to Tator's Dodge

This Web site features our history and vehicles.
Since 1914 we have been family owned and operated.
That's a ton of history.
You can browse the History page in the near future.

Dodge Vehicles

Dodge cars and trucks are our main business.
We are also Dodge Viper specialists, experts, enthusiasts, and an owner too.
Our services and expertise is routine to many collector car owners from both near and far.
You will find a portfolio of the cars we have sold, serviced and restored here in the future.
Dodge different is one thing Tator's different is another.
Customer Satisfaction is our ONLY way of doing business.
We order most of our cars for our loyal customer base.

Tator's Different

Being the oldest family owned and operated Dodge dealership in the World we do things a little different than your typical dealer.
Tator's Dodge is run by the Tator family. When was the last time you went to a dealer and had your car serviced by the owner himself?
This happens everyday at Tator's whether you have a Ram pickup or Viper in for service. Chuck is very happy with a wrench in his hand. On occasion he will put a pen in his hand to personnaly take your order. You won't see a big showroom with alot of cars, this is another difference with Tator's.

By keeping the overhead low and the services personalized the savings and courtesy are the customers benefit.

Late Breaking NEWS


E-mail the webmaster

Tator's Advantage
We are the oldest family owned and operated Dodge dealership in the world!

"The Viper Wizard"

On the Viper Board you may know me as the Viper Wizard, but you can call me Chuck.

Email the "Viper Wizard"